VariQuest Blog
The VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite Blog contains resources on classroom ideas, lesson plans, industry news, events, and offers throughout education.
Career & Technology Education (CTE) | Student Engagement | Grade Level: Secondary (7-12) | student achievement
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
November 16th, 2017
Despite being 18 years into the new millennium, we hear a lot about "21st Century Learning Environments" these days, as schools are struggling to adapt to meet the needs of a new kind of learner - one who is constantly immersed in technology, and thus needs engaging, hands-on activities to feel connected to the real-life, real-world. With this in mind, we've created a 6-step checklist to help you assess building new, or enhancing your current CTE program, based on tactics our customers have implemented, as proof these techniques really work. For example...
STEM | Academic Subject: STEM | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | Kinesthetic Learning
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
October 19th, 2017
STEM education has traditionally focused on teaching subjects individually, with math and science as completely separate courses. But new standards suggest a more integrated framework, where students learn to make connections across all subject areas, and connect these disciplines to the world around them...and 3D Printing is a perfect way to do just that. Teaching STEM education with 3D Printing automatically combines technology and engineering, in addition to the objectives of each lesson, which might be English, social studies, or even art-based, providing a hands-on project to bring concepts to life. For example, here's a lesson (from the eBook) that could involve at least 5 disciplines...
This helpful guide includes an explanation of the grant process, including a checklist (with samples!), and useful links and resources to find funding!
STEM | Academic Subject: STEM | Kinesthetic Learning
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
September 14th, 2017
STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics curriculum is meant to be an immersive solution to teach students learning those four disciplines in a way that is meaningful for real world application. As a Kinesthetic Learning approach is based in our need to move, touch, and feel to understand, the two concepts are an obvious pairing. Research has found that a student’s learning process, not their level of intelligence, is the most important indicator in determining learning abilities. With this approach, movement and action replace more passive forms of learning, fostering curiosity and creativity, and allowing students to confidently and actively absorb concepts while connecting them to real life. And with STEM careers increasingly shaping our future, integrating STEM-focused curriculum and activities with kinesthetic learning into your classroom will excite and encourage students to further explore their interests in STEM fields, and provide them with a bright future ahead.
Professional Development | Academic Subject: STEM | Featured Topics: Professional Development | Kinesthetic Learning | Project-based Learning
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
August 31st, 2017
Tuesday, November 7th at 9:00am CT The focus of student achievement has extended beyond reading and math scores and shifted to a “learning by doing, making, building, and discovering” approach. Despite the fact that this resurgence in experiential learning is supported by recent brain-based research about cognition, problem-solving, and innovation, females are still under-represented in STEM-based programs and careers. Join us on Tuesday, November 7th for a free professional development webinar at 9am CT, and learn about this often-discussed hot topic.
Guest Edu Bloggers | teacher appreciation
Melissa Hughes, Ph.D.
August 24th, 2017
The floors are polished, the desks are clean, the pencils are sharpened, and the “Welcome Back” bulletin board is up. Teachers across the country have spent the last few weeks cleaning, organizing, decorating, and planning for their new classes. A new school year is underway! As educators, we have a huge responsibility to our students, along with the parents who have entrusted their children to us. Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran, there will be days that it feels like you’re trying to push a peanut up a mountain. And there will be days that you feel every effort goes unnoticed. And then, there will be days that you see a child’s eyes light up with excitement when they finally “get it!” Those are the days that you’ll know exactly why you chose to become a teacher.
Differentiated Instruction | Lessons/Activities/Templates | Student Engagement | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | Academic Subject: Social Studies and History | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | Featured Topics: Templates for FREE download
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
August 17th, 2017
It's back-to-school time, you're crazy busy, and your brain is being stretched in a million different directions. We want to help! In partnership with The Curriculum Corner, VariQuest® presents a cross-curricular free lesson plan unit for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students titled, "Explore Your World."
Featured Topics: Differentiated Instruction | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 3600
Melissa Hughes, Ph.D.
July 6th, 2017
Color is believed to be the most important visual experience to human beings. More specifically, significant research has been conducted in recent years exploring the function of color as a powerful channel to cognition and memory. Marketers have known for years how effective color can be with brand recognition and attitudes consumers form about products and companies. For example, a 2004 marketing study found that color increases brand recognition and influences purchasing decisions by up to 80%.
Professional Development | Academic Subject: STEM | Featured Topics: Professional Development | 3D Printing | Kinesthetic Learning | Project-based Learning | STEM:IT
VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools
June 15th, 2017
Until recently, we believed that intelligence and creativity were fixed traits. We now know differently. The capacity to learn, solve problems and be creative is hardwired into our brains – we either tap into it and nurture it, or we don’t. Join us for an informative professional development webinar series hosted by Dr. Melissa Hughes, author of "Happy Hour With Einstein", and STEM Fuse, creators of STEM:IT, where we will explore these concepts and how to infuse this knowledge into your classroom curriculum to nurture more active, engaged students.
Julia Cremin
May 30th, 2017
Summer is right around the corner, and in a perfect world, your classroom is humming along like a well-oiled machine with students trained in classroom routines and expectations. Truth is: the end of the year can be challenging for staff and students alike. With end-of-year testing, constantly changing schedules, and trying to keep a lid on students who are anxious to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather, it can be difficult to fill in the gaps with engaging activities during the last couple of weeks at school. Use your VariQuest tools to support some interesting and meaningful end of year activities in your classroom.
Lessons/Activities/Templates | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities
Melissa Hughes, Ph.D.
May 23rd, 2017
As another school year comes to a close, let me be among the first to say, “There’s no tired quite like end-of-the-year-teacher tired!” I get it. The end of the school year is exhausting and maybe even a bit emotional as you say goodbye to your students for the summer. Between finalizing student records, completing report cards, and closing up your classroom, the last few weeks are hectic. But there are a few simple strategies that may help you make the most of the time you spend ending the year so that it is easier to begin the year when you return in the fall.