VariQuest Blog

The VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite Blog contains resources on classroom ideas, lesson plans, industry news, events, and offers throughout education.

Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Special Education | Student Engagement | Parental Involvement | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | Academic Subject: Special Education | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning | classroom management

[Lesson Plan] Visual Schedule Cards for Special Education

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
August 26th, 2022

Planning, organizing, and having things to look forward to are concepts we all can appreciate. While surprises are sometimes lovely, clear expectations for what's ahead can bring a sense of calm - especially for students in the classroom. "Pop quiz" is a phrase almost no one wants to hear! For special education and primary students, this is especially true - and as we educators know, visuals can help bring a schedule to life. So in partnership with Cathy Henry, an educator and founder of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work, we've created this Visual Schedule Cards Lesson Plan activity to manage classroom anxiety, help with transitions, and encourage social-emotional wellbeing in the classroom. For both verbal and non-verbal students, this exercise will promote that sense of calm with clear expectations an organized schedule can bring for both teacher and student.

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Student Engagement | Parental Involvement | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning | classroom management

[Lesson Plan] Morning Welcome Activity for Elementary Teachers

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
July 20th, 2022

Belonging. Community. Inclusive. Comfortable. These words describe the environment that educators work so hard to achieve in their classrooms and school buildings. Our students need our help and support now more than ever, as we all work through challenging and divisive times. When a student enters your classroom for the first time or the 100th time, you want them to feel like they belong, and that for the short time they're with you, they are in supportive surroundings where they can fully focus on learning and growing. Enter the morning welcome - a way to set the tone for every day. In partnership with Cathy Henry, an educator and founder of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work, we've created this Morning Welcome Activity lesson plan and download pack for Elementary teachers to help introduce students to their day in the classroom - the moment they step foot through the door. And it not only helps students settle in for their day, but it teaches them valuable social-emotional learning skills in the process.

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How to Write a Grant eBook

How to Write a Grant eBook

This helpful guide includes an explanation of the grant process, including a checklist (with samples!), and useful links and resources to find funding!

Blog Feature

Recognition | Student Engagement | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Professional Development | student achievement | social-emotional learning | classroom management

Bulletin Board Ideas for Your Classroom & School Building

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
June 30th, 2022

When it comes to bulletin boards, the creativity that educators display knows no bounds. It's the timeless school décor that brings back the most familiar and fondest of memories for both young and old. As you plan for the upcoming school year, here are some fun bulletin board ideas to implement in your classroom or school building!

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Blog Feature

Professional Development | Recognition | Student Engagement | Parental Involvement | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Professional Development | student achievement | social-emotional learning | VariQuest Resource Center | classroom management

4 (plus more) Professional Development Videos for Educators

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
June 16th, 2022

When it comes to professional growth as an educator, you have a lot of choices to expand your skillset to help your students and further your goals, but your time is precious. From continuing education on social-emotional development and neuroscience, to tactical strategies for learning in the classroom, we at VariQuest have put together a list of some of our best professional development webinar and video opportunities for educators to help you fill your teaching toolbox with valuable resources and future-forming assets.

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Blog Feature

VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | classroom management

What is the Difference Between Hot and Cold Laminating?

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
June 2nd, 2022

Depending on your particular requirements and budget, you may want to use hot or cold lamination to laminate materials. Items that are subject to cold lamination are placed under pressure, while hot laminating may damage certain items due to applied heat. Each technique, however, uses a film to laminate the material, and the strength of the lamination and its durability depend on the thickness of the film used. Lamination also provides wipe-clean surfaces for your materials, making them easy to frequently disinfect. At VariQuest, we offer an energy-efficient, easy-to-use cold lamination machine, the Cold Laminator 2510, to help you preserve and protect banners, posters, and bulletin board cutouts for repeated yearly use.

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Student Engagement | Parental Involvement | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning | classroom management

[Lesson Plan] Create a Motivation Station for Your Classroom

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
May 19th, 2022

After the last two years being anything but normal, you might be on a constant quest for ideas and ways to support the social-emotional wellbeing of your students and boost their self-esteem. Social-emotional learning (SEL) has become a critical focus in helping our students grow not only personally, but academically as well. In partnership with Cathy Henry, an educator and founder of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work, we've created this Motivation Station Social-Emotional Lesson Plan activity to help spread a little positivity! And it's not only approaching the topic from a self-love standpoint, but encourages peer-to-peer support as well!

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Blog Feature

Special Education | Parental Involvement | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400STP | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 3600STP | social-emotional learning | classroom management | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400PRO

How Do You Recognize Students? Create a Selfie Station!

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
March 10th, 2022

There are plenty of reasons and ways to recognize students. Doing so promotes self-confidence, determination, a positive attitude, and overall social-emotional wellbeing! In the age of cell phones, social media influencers, and YouTube stars, the word "selfie" has become commonly used in our vocabularies, and the concept is foreign to no one. Alongside displaying student artwork in your school hallways and classrooms, allow students to showcase work they're especially proud of, and infuse parental involvement in a modern way with this fun and easy selfie station in your classroom!

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Blog Feature

social-emotional learning | classroom management

Social-Emotional Learning Lessons & Activities for the Whole Child

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
October 21st, 2021

We used to think of a healthy person as someone who focused on a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. But as more and more research has been done on the subject of health, we as a society have moved to a more wholistic discussion - focusing on health of not just the body, but also the mind and soul. And at no point has this ever been truer than through the rollercoaster of the last couple years. In the same vein, we used to think of a school as a place where students came to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. And while educators have always been social-emotional supports and adult role models for their students outside the home, schools have also changed with the times to incorporate a more whole-child-based focus, supporting not just the minds and bodies of our students, but focusing on emotional support as well. As social-emotional learning is powerful for forming strong, confident members of our society for the future, we at VariQuest are constantly coming up with new ways to support our educators in strengthening their social-emotional support curriculum. Here are a few resources that might help in your classroom and school building:

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | social-emotional learning | classroom management

[Downloads] Coloring in the Classroom

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
October 12th, 2021

We paint our walls, choose our belongings, and get dressed every day based on color. With an immense gift as a species to see the world through vibrant tones, it has been researched and frequently discussed that color can have mood-boosting, mind-stimulating, and sensory-calming effects on humans. And of course, our classrooms for our students are no different. Outside of the colors we use in our environment and in our learning materials, the act of coloring can also have incredible effects on the brain's ability to focus and learn, thus supporting our students' social-emotional wellbeing. Reduced anxiety, focused mindfulness, and kinesthetic busy-ness are all positive effects of this easy and do-anywhere activity. We've rounded up some of our best coloring downloads and resources for learning, for calming, and just for fun.

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Blog Feature

student achievement | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | social-emotional learning | virtual learning | classroom management

[Video] Creating Personalization Labels for the Classroom

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
September 14th, 2021

For organization, for health, for safety, or for sanity - labels make a huge difference. In the classroom, labels are needed now more than ever - to keep track of constantly changing schedules, student belongings, personal protection equipment (PPE) supplies, and the list goes on. With capabilities for user-friendly customization, class list uploads, and creative template options, the VariQuest® Design Software, complete with our educator-influenced Engage Every Learner® Content, makes creation easy on the VariQuest Motiva® 400 Specialty Printing System. See how easy it is:

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