VariQuest Blog

The VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite Blog contains resources on classroom ideas, lesson plans, industry news, events, and offers throughout education.

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Lessons/Activities/Templates | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning

Printable Take-Home Activity: My Growth Year Mindset Journal

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
December 17th, 2021

Developing a Growth Mindset isn't easy - but that's what makes it important. There are talents you're born with, talents you develop, and talents that aren't yours...yet. Research shows that your mindset is what drives your abilities to achieve goals and accomplishments, so when we suggest that a student's strengths lie 'elsewhere' - we're actually doing them a disservice to divert their dedication in another direction. To develop a growth mindset, we must first understand ourselves, and what strengths we have that help us achieve success in all endeavors. To help students realize these things, we can point them in the direction of looking at goals they've already achieved, milestones they've reached, tools and resources available to them, and asking for input from those around them. Enter this fabulous printable take-home activity created with ideas from Dr. Melissa Hughes, expert on whole brain teaching and learning: My Growth Mindset Year Journal.

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Lessons/Activities/Templates | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning

[Lesson Plan] Social-Emotional Learning for Elementary Students: Gratitude

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
November 17th, 2021

Gratitude: to show appreciation for. It's easier to focus on the bad, but to develop a strong growth mindset, we must help our students focus on the good. Going beyond saying thank you to others, gratitude is being thankful for all that we are blessed with, and is shown through acts of kindness, cooperation, and embrace. In this bonus installment of our social-emotional learning unit series, we spark discussion among students about what it means to develop a grateful heart.

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How to Write a Grant eBook

How to Write a Grant eBook

This helpful guide includes an explanation of the grant process, including a checklist (with samples!), and useful links and resources to find funding!

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social-emotional learning | classroom management

Social-Emotional Learning Lessons & Activities for the Whole Child

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
October 21st, 2021

We used to think of a healthy person as someone who focused on a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. But as more and more research has been done on the subject of health, we as a society have moved to a more wholistic discussion - focusing on health of not just the body, but also the mind and soul. And at no point has this ever been truer than through the rollercoaster of the last couple years. In the same vein, we used to think of a school as a place where students came to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. And while educators have always been social-emotional supports and adult role models for their students outside the home, schools have also changed with the times to incorporate a more whole-child-based focus, supporting not just the minds and bodies of our students, but focusing on emotional support as well. As social-emotional learning is powerful for forming strong, confident members of our society for the future, we at VariQuest are constantly coming up with new ways to support our educators in strengthening their social-emotional support curriculum. Here are a few resources that might help in your classroom and school building:

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | social-emotional learning | classroom management

[Downloads] Coloring in the Classroom

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
October 12th, 2021

We paint our walls, choose our belongings, and get dressed every day based on color. With an immense gift as a species to see the world through vibrant tones, it has been researched and frequently discussed that color can have mood-boosting, mind-stimulating, and sensory-calming effects on humans. And of course, our classrooms for our students are no different. Outside of the colors we use in our environment and in our learning materials, the act of coloring can also have incredible effects on the brain's ability to focus and learn, thus supporting our students' social-emotional wellbeing. Reduced anxiety, focused mindfulness, and kinesthetic busy-ness are all positive effects of this easy and do-anywhere activity. We've rounded up some of our best coloring downloads and resources for learning, for calming, and just for fun.

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student achievement | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | social-emotional learning | virtual learning | classroom management

[Video] Creating Personalization Labels for the Classroom

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
September 14th, 2021

For organization, for health, for safety, or for sanity - labels make a huge difference. In the classroom, labels are needed now more than ever - to keep track of constantly changing schedules, student belongings, personal protection equipment (PPE) supplies, and the list goes on. With capabilities for user-friendly customization, class list uploads, and creative template options, the VariQuest® Design Software, complete with our educator-influenced Engage Every Learner® Content, makes creation easy on the VariQuest Motiva® 400 Specialty Printing System. See how easy it is:

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Blog Feature

Special Education | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | Academic Subject: Special Education | VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400STP | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 3600STP | social-emotional learning

[eBook] Lessons and Activities for the Whole Child: Extended Learning Possibilities for K-12 Classrooms

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
August 26th, 2021

Teachers and families across the country have been under immense stress approaching a different kind of instruction over the last year and a half, and worrying about how it has affected our students. While focusing on health and safety is always a top priority, as students return to the classroom this year, we may need to broaden that focus and prepare them with an accelerated learning approach. But as educators, we are not only concerned about academics, but also about mental health, and to ensure students flourish upon their return, it is important we look at the whole child. In this 14-lesson plan eBook, created in partnership with Cathy Henry of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work, we've put together a variety of lessons and activities for K-12 students, including those in special education classrooms, to work towards project-based, student-driven learning designed to help combat the academic impact of lost instructional time.

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Blog Feature

Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities | social-emotional learning

How to Focus on Mental Health as Students Return [With Free Downloads]

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
August 5th, 2021

It's no secret that we're all dealing with a lot right now. Between anxiety about health & safety, isolation, and inequity, it has obviously been a rough couple years. And as students return to learning in this back-to-school season, there's no question that we all need to focus some efforts on supporting mental health. We've rounded up some of our best free resources and downloads, to help you re-engage learners with movement, calming activities, breathing exercises, and behavior management techniques, to help your students when "overwhelmed" is an understatement.

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Blog Feature

Special Education | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | Academic Subject: Special Education | VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400STP | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 3600STP | social-emotional learning

[eGuide] Behavior Management: Build a Positive Classroom Culture

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
July 15th, 2021

Educators know that having strong behavior management skills can be as important, or even more important, as the ability to teach content. We want to help children modify detrimental behaviors, but we also don’t want any of our actions to result in a child feeling shamed or demeaned. This can be a challenge! Because we've all had a challenging past few months, and feelings of embarrassment won’t help children improve their behavior, we've partnered with Cathy Henry of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work to put together some ideas to help you work on actions and reactions with your students on a more personal level. These are ideas to help students learn and grow and meet goals, making them proud of their positive results!

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Special Education | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | VariQuest Tools: Design Center Software | Academic Subject: Special Education | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400STP | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 3600STP | social-emotional learning | VariQuest Resource Center

Using an Emotion Meter in Social-Emotional Learning for Students

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
June 10th, 2021

An emotion meter is a great way to gauge what mood your students are feeling in the moment! Whether it's for posting in the classroom, calming corners, or student journals, this tool can be created large or small for group or individual discussions. With social-emotional learning for students a topic of the utmost importance as children grow and mature, use these simple exercises to give students meaningful tools for managing and working through their feelings!

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Blog Feature

Lessons/Activities/Templates | Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | VariQuest Tools: Motiva 400 | social-emotional learning | virtual learning

Distance Learning Social-Emotional Support: Flat Teacher

By: VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite
December 9th, 2020

We're moving towards holiday break, and we don't need to tell you that it has been one crazy year. Whether your students are heading home for their break early in distance learning, or they're only apart from the classroom for the holiday, send them off with a "Flat Stanley"-like cutout of their favorite teacher (that's you!) and a fun assignment to document your (their) experiences while you're in two different places! With social-emotional support at the top of every educator's mind during a trying year, what better way to remind your students you're always with them, than a small cutout take-along of yourself!

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