VariQuest Blog
The VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite Blog contains resources on classroom ideas, lesson plans, industry news, events, and offers throughout education.
Featured Topics: Differentiated Instruction | VariQuest Tools: Poster Maker 3600 | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | VariQuest Tools: Awards Maker 400 | VariQuest Tools: Cold Laminator 2510 | Featured Topics: Professional Development
Lindsey Graff
August 31st, 2013
VariQuest Tools: Poster Maker 3600 | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | VariQuest Tools: Awards Maker 400 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Nina Swienton
October 1st, 2012
Reward programs have a long tradition in classrooms – think of gold stars and perfect attendance certificates – but they have had questionable effects on actually improving student achievement. New study on student motivation – published by the National Bureau of Economic Research – indicates that the timing of rewards is critical to resulting in a positive outcome in terms of academic progress. Immediate awards and recognition programs have a much more positive impact on student achievement. Here are 3 simple ideas on how to provide on-the-spot student recognition at your school… 1. CUSTOM AWARD PLAQUES
This helpful guide includes an explanation of the grant process, including a checklist (with samples!), and useful links and resources to find funding!
Featured Topics: Differentiated Instruction | VariQuest Tools: Design Center Software | VariQuest Tools: Poster Maker 3600 | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | Featured Topics: Professional Development
Nina Swienton
October 1st, 2012
Increasing student achievement and teaching to every student's learning style has never been more challenging or more time consuming for teachers. The construction of visual references to bridge the gap between performance levels is a lengthy process, an equal component of an educator's job alongside lesson planning and evaluation. It is a common experience to hear of a teacher spending their weekend creating the concept maps, posters, comparison charts, and visual aids for the upcoming week's instruction.