VariQuest Blog
The VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite Blog contains resources on classroom ideas, lesson plans, industry news, events, and offers throughout education.
Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Margo Ensz
May 15th, 2014
The phrase “student engagement” is used frequently in the realm of the education, but has this frequency led to the dilution of its meaning? ASCD’s Inservice hosted a number of guest bloggers during their Student Engagement Week in April, and we were thrilled and inspired by the depth of research and the breadth of suggestions.
Grade Level: Primary (PK-2) | Grade Level: Intermediate (3-6) | Featured Topics: Character Education | VariQuest Tools: Awards Maker 400 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Professional Development
Margo Ensz
May 6th, 2014
Sherman Oaks School, a TK-6 Two-Way Spanish Dual Immersion School located in San Jose, California, uses the Awards Maker to recognize incredible student success, and has cultivated a culture that celebrates and covets these awards, therefore encouraging student’s drive to succeed.
This helpful guide includes an explanation of the grant process, including a checklist (with samples!), and useful links and resources to find funding!
Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Margo Ensz
April 28th, 2014
Reward your star students and staff and send them home with something sweet before summer. We’ve seen this candy-themed recognition idea on and elsewhere, but you can create these delicious and personalized awards with a trip to the grocery store and your VariQuest® Motiva® 400 Specialty Printing System on hand!
Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Professional Development
Margo Ensz
April 23rd, 2014
The end of the year brings a wide array of student-centered activities and events. From sports to recognition ceremonies, pep rallies to field trips—it can be tough for students, parents, even staff to keep them straight, let alone attend! At the secondary level where the daily parent involvement tends to be less, the need to communicate and promote key events is even more important.
Featured Topics: Student Engagement | Featured Topics: Lessons and Activities
Margo Ensz
April 15th, 2014
Create an award for all of your remarkable students, but if you want to give them something a little extra (and clean out your classroom in the process), consider this great idea from Mrs. Terhune’s Classrom blog: A sand pail filled with goodies!
VariQuest Tools: Design Center Software | VariQuest Tools: Awards Maker 400 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Margo Ensz
April 11th, 2014
Featured Topics: Character Education | VariQuest Tools: Design Center Software | VariQuest Tools: Awards Maker 400 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Lindsey Graff
April 7th, 2014
With so many schools focusing on character education and/or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), we wanted to highlight how one of our Super Schools, Frank W. Reilly Elementary in Chicago, is using their Awards Maker to support their citizen/character initiatives.
Featured Topics: Differentiated Instruction | VariQuest Tools: Poster Maker 3600 | VariQuest Tools: Cutout Maker 1800 | Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Lindsey Graff
February 7th, 2014
These days, students are surrounded by distractions. With the influx of new technologies, social media, after-school activities, friend pressures and more, it is harder and harder to engage students in meaningful ways. One of our customers, Alta Vista Middle School in Carlsbad, New Mexico, is facing these challenges with great applications of the VariQuest Visual Learning Tools.
Featured Topics: Differentiated Instruction | VariQuest Tools: Perfecta 2400 | VariQuest Tools: Poster Maker 3600 | Featured Topics: Common Core | Featured Topics: Student Engagement
Lindsey Graff
February 3rd, 2014
Schools across the country are working hard to communicate, implement and facilitate instructions to meet new standards. VariQuest Visual Learning Tools provide a wide variety of ways to help your students and staff smoothly transition their teaching and learning in order to boost academic results.