"...in the time of COVID."
An addendum to many sentences these days as we all learn to navigate a new normal, this phrase is used for the flexibility, adaptability, and patience we've accepted as our most crucial character traits in recent months.
As this has been a scary time for everyone, especially students, you may need to welcome everyone back with some social-emotional learning lessons and activities - to discuss worries and feelings. If your school is planning to welcome back students to the building soon, you might need posters, floor markers, and labels to help keep everyone safe. You might also need some ideas for personalizing students' belongings and creating disinfect-able learning materials. The Curriculum Corner has some of those ideas for you!
In this latest video they've created in partnership with VariQuest, Jill and Cathy share their tips for showing strength and readiness through these strange times, to welcome students back to learning, wherever it may be occurring, with the help of the VariQuest Motiva®, Cutout Maker, and Perfecta® utilizing Engage Every Learner™ Content!

The VariQuest Tools, paired with Engage Every Learner™ Content, is perfect for creating content for in-person learning, take-home materials, and posted signage to keep students safe in these uncertain times Contact us today for a no-obligation demonstration to see what the VariQuest Suite could do for your students, staff, and school building.

This is the fifth in a 5-part series from The Curriculum Corner where Jill and Cathy share various teaching tips to help you throughout the school year. View their first video on Test-Taking Tips, their second video on End-of-School-Year Projects, their third video on Back-to-School Activities. and their fourth video on the Mid-Year Slump.
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