Sensory paths are not only fun for elementary education because they help get the wiggles out, but they help with learning too!
At VariQuest®, we feel passionately about visual and kinesthetic learning - and a sensory path is a great way to get "a-movin' and a-groovin'" while learning something too! In partnership with Cathy Henry of The Curriculum Corner, we've put together not only printables to build your own sensory path(s) on your school floors, but paired them with lesson plan activities to teach common curriculum-based concepts. Check out and download these great booklets, featured below!
The VariQuest Cutout Maker 1800 Digital Die-Cut System is a perfect tool to make creating these sensory paths easy and long-lasting using our Cutout Maker vinyl sheets and the VariQuest Design Software's Engage Every Learner® Content. VariQuest customers using the Cutout Maker 1800 can easily cut these sensory paths, already available in your VariQuest 9.0 software's frequently-released expansion packs!
Printable ELA Sensory Path Activity: Forest Adventure
Designed for elementary and special education students and focused on English Language Arts (ELA), this fun sensory path features walks, spins, and shakes through the forest! Complete with story card templates, biome board printables, word card templates, learning booklet worksheets, and sensory path shape printable cutouts, your students will have a great time wiggling and learning!

Printable ELA Sensory Path Activity: Ocean Exploration
This sensory path is also designed for primary students with modifications for special education and focuses on English Language Arts, but features a setting under the sea! Much like the forest adventure, this activity comes complete with story card templates, game board printables, word card templates, learning booklet worksheets, and sensory path shape printable cutouts so you'll have everything you need to make ocean and language learning fun!

Printable ELA Sensory Path Activity: Dinosaur Discovery
Designed for - you guessed it - primary and special education students, our third sensory path in this list is also great for learning English Language Arts, plus dinosaurs in the process! Take students through the Mesozoic Area while wiggling and giggling and practicing their language skills with 'Write the Room' activities, 'All About' worksheets, an "I Spy" printable, and of course, all the shapes and cutouts needed to implement this sensory path in your building!

For more information on how the VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite can help you create sensory paths, bulletin board displays, hands-on manipulatives and more with the Cutout Maker 1800 Digital Die-Cut Machine and Engage Every Learner Content, request a no-obligation demonstration with one of our expert education consultants, and see how your students (and staff!) can benefit from all our suite can do!