VariQuest Blog

Free Lesson Plan Roundup!

Written by VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools | Thu, Dec 06, 2018 @ 03:00 PM

It's the end of the calendar year, and most teachers are looking forward to their winter break - that week or two during the holidays where it's time to recharge their batteries and relax, then come back refreshed and ready to charge towards preparing students for the next level.

And we know teachers work hard, so we'd like to help with one of the things we hear they need the most - lesson plan ideas.

So here's a list of just some of the great free lesson plan content that we at VariQuest have provided in recent months. But it's not everything - and we're not done - so be sure to subscribe to our blog to not miss any of our upcoming content!

Pre-K (or for use in Secondary Education with a CTE Early Education Class!)

Elementary Education: Grades K-3

Elementary Education: Grades 4-6

Elementary and Middle School: Grades K-8

Great for Any Age

Do you have an idea for content you'd like to see from VariQuest? Let us know in the comments below - or contact us for a no-obligation meeting with your dedicated Education Consultant on how the VariQuest tools and resources complement lesson planning in your classroom and school building!