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Printable Poster Pack: How Are You Feeling? A Mental Health Check-In Activity

With educators often the first source of student support and guidance outside the home, it's important to track their feelings in the classroom and beyond. Use these posters and worksheet to guide group discussions and design lesson plans around making sure all students are heard and supported.


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Download: Mindful Stretching Poster

In addition to its health benefits of increased flexibility, muscle control, and range of motion - stretching is a great way for students to center, focus, and achieve calm when the world around them doesn't feel as such. Have your class study and practice these mindful stretching techniques while focusing on their breathing to help soothe and feel great while spending time at home! (And you can do them, too!)


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Lesson Plan for Elementary Students: Social-Emotional Learning

In this 10-lesson unit developed by VariQuest in partnership with The Curriculum Corner, students will explore kindness, fairness, respect, self-discipline, courage, perseverance, responsibility, cooperation, trustworthiness, and integrity, and how they can make them a bigger part of their everyday lives.


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eBook: Behavior Management - Build a Positive Classroom Culture

As teachers we know that having strong behavior management skills can be as important, or even more important, as the ability to teach content. The ideas in this book are designed to help you work on behavior with your students on a more personal level. From a printable learning booklet for students to process and explore behaviors and reactions to guidelines for writing a group "behavior pledge" to set classroom expectations, you'll find lots of resources and downloads to get started on your build today.



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