VariQuest Blog

Social-Emotional Learning Lessons & Activities for the Whole Child

Written by VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite | Thu, Oct 21, 2021 @ 06:43 PM

We used to think of a healthy person as someone who focused on a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. But as more and more research has been done on the subject of health, we as a society have moved to a more wholistic discussion - focusing on health of not just the body, but also the mind and soul. And at no point has this ever been truer than through the rollercoaster of the last couple years.

In the same vein, we used to think of a school as a place where students came to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. And while educators have always been social-emotional supports and adult role models for their students outside the home, schools have also changed with the times to incorporate a more whole-child-based focus, supporting not just the minds and bodies of our students, but focusing on emotional support as well. 

As social-emotional learning is powerful for forming strong, confident members of our society for the future, we at VariQuest are constantly coming up with new ways to support our educators in strengthening their social-emotional support curriculum. Here are a few resources that might help in your classroom and school building:

Social-Emotional Lesson Plan Unit for Elementary Students

Download this 10-lesson unit on social-emotional learning developed by VariQuest in partnership with The Curriculum Corner. Students will explore lessons and activities on kindness, fairness, respect, self-discipline, courage, perseverance, responsibility, cooperation, trustworthiness, and integrity, and how these principles guide them in their everyday lives.

Opening Schools Safely: Social-Emotional Wellbeing

As you are faced with the challenges of in-person learning safety, hybrid-learning uncertainties, or distance-learning isolation - mental health check-ins, group discussions, and calming activities are even more important to maintain a safe space for students to share their thoughts and concerns in the learning environment. Download this eBook for templates, tips, and a take-home lesson plan to help students feel safe and supported.

How Are You Feeling? A Mental Health Check-In Poster Pack Download

Mental health check-ins are always a good idea, especially when stressful world events weigh heavily on us all. Download this free poster pack for three "How Are You Feeling" posters to lead group discussions, gauge classroom temperament, or keep 1:1 communication lines open with students.

Creating an Emotion Meter

Leading discussions on how to manage "big feelings" can be a challenge, especially when it's tough to productively share those feelings with others. Read about how using a classroom emotion meter could work in your learning environment, and learn how to put together your own emotion meter for student desks, classroom displays, or calming corner materials.

Through visual supports, hands-on manipulatives, and achievement reinforcements, we at VariQuest are dedicated to creating content that helps students learn and grow in their social-emotional development. With thousands of templates and graphics in the VariQuest Design Software's Engage Every Learner® Content, paired with our VariQuest Perfecta® Poster Design Systems, Cutout Maker 1800 Digital Die-Cut System, and Motiva® 400 Specialty Printing System, we'd love to show you how our suite could be a great help in solving this challenge within your school. Contact us today for a no-obligation demonstration with one of our expert education consultants to see how!