VariQuest Blog

[Lesson Plan] SEL Photo Activities for Grades 5-7

Written by VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite | Thu, Apr 04, 2024 @ 04:03 PM

At a time when our world and nation are struggling with division and conflicting ideology - empathy and compassion are important concepts to teach our future generations, so they can make the world a better place than how we leave it.

Emotional intelligence, or understanding your own emotions and the emotions of those around you, is an important skill to develop and refine. The middle school years, where students are rapidly developing their sense of self, are obviously an important time to provide tools and exercises to work on this skill.

In these social-emotional learning activities, designed for students in grades 5-7 and customizable for the needs of your classroom, students will view photo examples and answer discussion questions to recognize emotions in others. Created in partnership with Cathy Henry, educator and founder of The Curriculum Corner and Free Word Work, these activities will explore empathy, emotional regulation strategies, problem-assessment, and more.

Writing exercises, scavenger hunts, and group project development are just three of the activities you'll find in this SEL Photo Activities booklet, along with discussion cards, anchor visuals, and more! With over 16 printables, your students will practice their emotional intelligence skills to encourage a supportive, welcoming classroom.

Download this free lesson plan booklet, SEL Photo Activities for Grades 5-7, complete with:

  • Photo Cards
  • Anchor Charts
  • Writing Worksheets
  • And more!


Do you wish you had time-saving tools and content to support social-emotional learning activities like this one?
Contact us for a no-obligation demonstration with an expert education consultant to see how the VariQuest Suite can support you and your students' quest for learning in the classroom and school building today!