VariQuest Blog

A Student-Run Print Shop Teaches CTE Skills at Higgins Middle School

Written by VariQuest Visual & Kinesthetic Learning Tools | Tue, May 01, 2018 @ 03:00 PM

With an emphasis on CTE programs in schools on the rise, so too are student-based enterprises - where students can brainstorm ideas, design and develop products, market their offerings, monitor inventory, balance finances, and nurture patronage - covering many of the 16 Career Clusters and developing students' real world skills.

Such is the case at Higgins Middle School in Peabody, Massachusetts, where the students are tasked with running a multi-service print shop fully equipped with VariQuest® Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Tools.

Using new school construction funds, educators purchased a variety of our easy-to-use technology to incorporate in what they’re now calling their Digital Learning Center, where 7th and 8th grade students run and lead a START (Student Technology Assistance Resource Center) program. Now teachers, parents and community members alike reap the benefits from this thoughtful investment in the students.

Through START, participating students are given the opportunity to operate a student-based enterprise before they even enter high school, giving them a leg up on college and career readiness, and at the heart of their business are the VariQuest Tools used to create posters for community events, laminated flashcards, award stickers for classroom competitions, 3D prints, and more!

“The 21st century skills they learn are invaluable lessons that will prepare them for high school, college and a career,” Emily Moore, the school's Digital Learning Coach, states. “They take responsibility for monitoring incoming jobs, communicating with the teachers and staff regarding questions and progress, and finalizing completion and delivery.”

In a job-application-type process, graduating 7th graders complete steps and must meet qualifications to join the 20-person SMART program, being "hired" by a panel of 8th grade current members. Once chosen, they must then sign a poster-sized contract to abide by the guidelines of the program.

Read more about how Higgins Middle School runs their middle school print shop program as a result of utilizing the VariQuest Tools, or contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn more about how they could benefit a student-run CTE program in your school!