VariQuest Blog

Visual Aid Posters for Teachers on the VariQuest Resource Center

Written by VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite | Thu, Jan 30, 2020 @ 06:04 PM

Did you know? When you become a VariQuest customer, you don't just receive hardware + software. Of course, that part is pretty great...because...THOUSANDS of templates, graphics, cutouts, and collections? Kind of a big deal. But VariQuest customers have access to so much more - and one of those benefits is the VariQuest Resource Center - with exclusive content, INCLUDING a bunch of additional free posters to download and print on your Perfecta® Poster Design System!

If you're a VariQuest customer and not using these visual aid posters already, log in right now and download! And if you're not a customer yet, well - let us show you just a sampling of what you could be enjoying!

For Classroom Expectations

In Our Classroom: share your classroom goals, expectations for each student, and reinforce reminders on how to be a kind human utilizing posters that you can point to at any time, to keep students on task, nice to their neighbors, and overall "in line"!

Download and print the "In Our Classroom" Poster for your Perfecta!

For Lesson Reinforcement

Order of Operations: When teaching students about the order of operations - help them memorize the "PEMDAS" or "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" acronym by placing this poster in your classroom! Plus, we've got a blog post detailing activities you could do around this topic, with additional printables!

Download and print the "Order of Operations" Poster for your Perfecta!


For Group Discussion

New Year's Resolution: Each year, we create a new "resolution" posters for students to write their names and resolutions for which they want to be held accountable for. Activity idea: print last year's poster along with this year's, and have students write their previous goals and talk about whether they achieved them, and how that result could drive their choice for this year! 

Download and print the New Year's Resolution Poster for your Perfecta!

For Fun!

Valentine's Day: The VariQuest Resource Center free posters are always created for the year's main holidays, and Valentine's Day is no exception. Print this poster to recognize the event of love and kindness and highlight its celebration in your classroom!

Download and print the Valentine's Day Poster for your Perfecta!  

Of course, these are just a few of our visual aid posters - but there are so many more! Do you have an idea for poster content you'd like to see from VariQuest? Let us know in the comments below!

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