Opinion writing can be extremely engaging for young writers who typically enjoy sharing their thoughts on topics, but we want our students to learn that simply stating their feelings about something isn’t enough. Backing their ideas with evidence and support is what will ultimately lead others to take those opinions more seriously. Teaching effective opinion writing in elementary school can lay the foundation for more thoughtful and powerful writers in the future.
This unit, developed by two passionate educators and founders of The Curriculum Corner, has been created with this idea in mind. These lessons are meant to serve as workshop mini-lessons to teach students the art of purposeful opinion writing. Some of the lessons might be best taught over the course of a few days in order to keep them brief and to stay true to the writer’s workshop model. Use them as a guide as you determine the specific needs of the students in your classroom.
Interested in implementing this engaging unit in your intermediate classroom? Take 10 seconds to click "download" and fill out the form to receive the unit for free! This resource includes: