VariQuest Blog

End-Of-Year Ideas for Our Virtual Students

Written by VariQuest Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite | Wed, May 13, 2020 @ 03:32 PM

It's hard to describe this school year without using the words unprecedented, unexpected, chaotic, and strange. There just aren't the right words for the emotions you and your students are feeling about losing their "previously normal" routines.

As this school year begins to wind down, there are some things you can still do to celebrate their achievements and remind them that the role models surrounding them with love and support are there for them, even in times of social distancing.

Host an End-Of-Year Parade!

Schools in St. Peter, Minnesota hosted "Saints Strong 'Reverse' Parades" at the respective public schools in town where teachers stood on sidewalks with signs greeting students, and students' families drove by with signs greeting them as well! The city fire department also got in on the fun - making it an exciting time for everyone involved and students and teachers alike really felt the love from each other! Check out these photo highlights for some ideas.

Stage a Virtual Talent Show

Students at Canby High School in Canby, Oregon recently participated in a virtual talent show! Submitting videos featuring everything from Disney® character impressions to Rubik's® cube-solving, you can engage students who wouldn't normally participate in front of an audience and allow for creative talent submissions to bring the school together in a bit of "normalcy" and fun!

Create Posters for Seniors

James Madison High School in Brooklyn, New York created laminated posters of each of their graduating seniors to display on the school's fence - all 750 of them - as a way to honor their accomplishments in a time when graduation ceremonies have been prohibited. Consider creating laminated posters for your students to display on school property, or as take-homes to place on their own front lawns using the VariQuest Perfecta® STP Poster Design System and Cold Laminator 2510 to show your support! (Shown here is Skylar from South Carolina with her Perfecta-created poster on National Decision Day!)

Honor Graduates of All Ages

Of course, your graduating seniors are sad about this big accomplishment in their lives being turned completely upside-down, but we know there are also graduating pre-schoolers, kindergarteners, middle schoolers and others bummed about missing the celebrations of their own school milestones. Consider some End-Of-Year Candy Awards, create awards on your VariQuest Motiva® Specialty Printer, send home a "Flat Stanley" of you along with a Graduation "diploma", or have them print, cut, and fold their very own graduation cap for at-home photos - download one here!

The VariQuest Suite is an excellent help in creating posters, take-homes, stickers, awards and more. Schedule a virtual no-obligation demonstration with one of our dedicated Education Consultants to see how it could work for you!