VariQuest Blog

Character Traits (Primary) - Mini Lesson & Templates

Written by Nina Swienton | Thu, Apr 10, 2014 @ 05:08 PM

Thanks to our partnership with The Curriculum Corner, you can expect to see more blog posts containing free Common Core-aligned lesson ideas, teacher resources and templates to easily create using your VariQuest Perfecta® Poster Design System and Software. Check out their first mini-lesson on understanding and building character traits for primary classrooms:

Mini Lesson: Understanding Character & Character Traits

Level: Primary

Objectives/CCSS Alignment:

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 (using illustrations and details in story to describe its characters, settings, or events)

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.7 (using information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, settings, or plot)


  • Anchor Chart: Story Characters Inside Out

  • Graphic Organizer: All About the Character. 

Click on each image to download the PDF and print to a poster using your Perfecta® Poster Design System and Software!



  • Choose a book that has fairly distinctive characters, perhaps one that has some very different types of characters. Good choices might be books by Kevin Henkes or Tommie de Paola.

  • Print the above anchor chart and graphic organizor onto a poster to use as a visual guide on the wall. Also, print the graphic organizer onto 8.5" x 11" size paper to pass to each child for independent work.


  • Set the purpose for the read aloud by introducing students to the anchor chart "Story Characters: Inside Out". Discuss the difference between physical traits (what the character actually looks like) and character traits (what the character's personality portrays). Show and discuss the traits shown on the anchor chart, and then have students share more. Add the students' responses to the anchor chart if desired.

  • Read aloud the story you chose for today's lesson. At the end have students brainstorm both physical traits and character traits for a character in the story. (You may choose to create a character map with the character's name in the middle, and then use two different colors of markers to distinguish between physical traits and character traits).

  • Explain directions for today's independent reading task: "All About the Character" graphic organizer.

  • Have students find spots to begin their independent reading time and complete the independent task

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